Awards & memberships
Being one of the few Austrian producers who develop and generate highly efficient devices for decentralized solutions for individual apartments and centralized solutions for the housing ventilation - comfort ventilation sector at Klagenfurt, we want to provide our customers with added value.
With our ventilation components and systems we have devoted ourselves to the fulfilment of high quality demands. Because only the best products ensure our customers’ success in the long run.

Award of the Austrian national state emblem for outstanding achievements in the service of the domestic economy
The Austrian national state emblem is awarded for outstanding achievements in the service of the Austrian economy. This award is a clear sign of the pioneering role of companies in Austria and is recognised both nationally and internationally as a symbol of safety and the highest quality. In order to receive the national coat of arms, companies must fulfil strict criteria relating to their commitment to quality, sustainability and their contribution to the country's economy.

Gold Medal award for LG 100 at BUDMA 2023!
J. PICHLER Gesellschaft m.b.H. & partner KACPERSKY won the GOLD MEDAL AWARD for their decentralised home ventilation system LG 100!
The first ventilation unit on the Polish market with LG 100 recuperation by PICHLER for use in flats, small houses, offices, etc. It extracts air from living spaces and replaces it with fresh, filtered outdoor air. A high-quality enthalpy exchanger ensures efficient heat and moisture recovery, ensuring balanced air humidity and a pleasant indoor climate, and the sensor recording the concentration of VOC and CO2 in the indoor air that automatically adjusts the level of ventilation.
more »

Netzwerk Passivhaus Innovations Award 2021
PICHLER is awarded as the "MOST INNOVATIVE Passive House Network Member Company 2021" for the special system solution PKOM4 & PSOL+ and as the "BEST Network Passive House Team of the year 2021" in the multi-storey residential building category.

Green Home Award 2021
PICHLER was awarded "Highly Regarded" in the category "Best Heating Innovation" in the Green Home Awards.

EFK-Certificate from the Energieforum Kärnten
The J. Pichler Gesellschaft mbH from Klagenfurt was awarded the EFK certificate by the "Energieforum Kärnten" (Carinthian Energy Forum) as a sustainable company with sustainable products. This applies to topics such as energy efficiency, resource conservation, health, environmental compatibility, but also regional value creation. The aim is, among other things, to make a contribution to greening and increasing efficiency. »

TRIGOS regional
PICHLER wins TRIGOS regional 2020 in the "Climate Protection" category.
The TRIGOS is the most renowned and respected sustainability award in Austria. The prize is awarded to sustainable companies for high quality products and services.

Premios Auna 2020
PICHLER wins the Premios Auna Award in the category "Most Innovative Product 2020"

Grand Prix 2018
This year, for the first time, the competition GRAND PRIX was announced at the trade fair of low energy, passive and zero buildings FOR PASIV.

Build It Award 2018
PICHLER wins the Build It Award 2018 in London for the best renewable heating solution!

FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Austria 2018
The winners of the first FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Austria have been announced!
In October 2018, five outstanding Austrian real estate projects were honoured at an exciting gala in the Grand Hall on Erste Campus in Vienna. In the new building category, the student accomodation PopUp dorms in Seestadt prevail.

Component Award
PICHLER wins the Component Award 2018!

Component Award
PICHLER wins the Component Award 2016! more »

ZULuft Austria
Pichler is one of the five founding members of the industry association ZULuft Austria, which is committed to healthy indoor air.
ZULuft Austria sees itself as a forum for the Austrian ventilation industry to ensure greater awareness of the future of indoor air in public discourse on a scientific, political and economic level.
The goals include raising awareness and creating a legal basis for healthy indoor air. The primary focus of the association is on energy efficiency and health promotion and maintenance.

PICHLER has been listed in the Energiesprong provider database since 2021. »

Netzwerk Passivhaus (Passive house network)
Since December 2014, J. PICHLER has been an official partner of Netzwerk Passivhaus, formerly Passivhaus Tirol. »

Passivhaus Austria
Since October 2013, J. PICHLER has been an official partner of Passivhaus Austria. »

Komfortlüftungssysteme Austria (comfort ventilation systems Austria)
Pichler is one of the founding members of the “Komfortlüftungssysteme Austria” association the objectives of which are to jointly promote insights and to provide information regarding the subject of comfort ventilation on a broad scale, promote training courses carried out by professionals, safeguard the technical progress, support in all sectors, and to guarantee a maximum degree of quality to the users. www.komfortlü »

CasaClima KlimaHaus
Our compact devices from the LG 100, LG 150, LG 350 and LG 450 series have been listed by CASA CLIMA since May 2022 and have been awarded the "KlimaHaus Quality Product" seal of approval. Ventilation quality label
The label shows five main properties of the devices, which are also provided for by the test standard EN13141-7/-8. Specifically, these include heat and humidity recovery, power consumption, filter quality, sound power level and air leakage. Characteristics are divided into four quality levels, from "yellow base value" to "dark green top value".
The quality label is a simple and reliable source of information for consumers and planners when choosing the most suitable product.

Österreichischer Fertighausverband
PICHLER has been one of the industrial partners of the Österreichischer Fertighausverband since 2020. »

PRO-Brandschutz (PRO fire protection)
Being one of the founders, Pichler since 2006 has been a member in the consortium for fire protection and smoke extraction in ventilation and air conditioning systems, which has the objectives of providing awareness training with regard to the subject of fire protection and acting as a contact person for this issue which is often neglected. »

klimaaktiv Management Austrian Energy Agency
Since November 2011, J. PICHLER is a partner of “klima:aktiv” (climate active) with the objective of actively participating in climate protection. »

Herstellerverband RLT-Geräte e. V. (association of producers of ventilation and air-conditioning equipment)
With August 2016, Pichler was accepted as an official member to the Herstellerverband Raumlufttechnische Geräte e.V., an association of leading manufacturers of ventilation and air-conditioning devices. It is the objective of the association to implement ventilation and air-conditioning units at the highest technical level. »

Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e.V (FGK, professional association for building climate control)
Since September 2015, J. PICHLER has been an official member in the Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e.V (FGK), which, for more than 40 years now, as an industry-specific interest group has devoted itself to the optimization of indoor air quality and the use of energy in the field of building services as well as to the promotion of the use of renewable energies in the fields of air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation technology. »

Since 2016 J. PICHLER has been an official member in the European industry association Eurovent which focuses on the issue of a better indoor climate. »

Ankö – list of suitable companies
Pichler is maintained in the Austrian register of contractors (Ankö).
Certificate of registration » »

VNL Verein Netzwerk Logistik
Since January 2022, Pichler has been a member of the Verein Netzwerk Logistik (Network Logistics Association), the largest business network in the field of logistics in Austria. The association deals with all matters involving logistics, supply chain management and lean management as formative disciplines of entrepreneurial practice.

Qualitätspartner Bauherrenhilfe
PICHLER is a quality partner of the Association for Quality and Education in Construction. The association, whose members promote products and processing techniques for high-quality and durable construction technology, consists of experts, building physicists, special experts and specialist journalists. All members are independent. The stated aim of the association is to provide a broad public with expert information about the construction industry, associated trades and manufacturing – free of charge – via the Internet. »