Web seminars & training courses
Taken from hands-on experience for the use in practical applications
We’ll be glad to share our knowledge and experience with you and offer you in-depth training with our competent PICHLER team. Just contact us!
Web-Seminars (held in German, English on request)

Comfort ventilation - for a healthy room climate
The ventilation topic is on everyone's lips. Especially in times like these, the need for a high hygienic air standard and the striving for perfect hygiene air conditions increase.
Fresh air supply and sensible room air humidity minimize the virus and pollutant load and also create maximum comfort in your own four walls. In this web seminar you will receive all information about the design, assembly and operation of comfort ventilation systems.
Webinar on request!
Contact: m.lassnig@pichlerluft.at

LG 100: system solution for decentralized domestic ventilation in residential buildings
Participate in our web seminar to learn more about the single-room unit LG 100 (with an optional connecting option for a second room) which has been developed in Klagenfurt. It combines the functions of humidity protection, comfort ventilation and heat recovery and surprises by its especially low-noise operation and low power consumption. It offers flexible mounting options (for ceiling, wall and flush-mounted fitting) and connection variants.
Webinar on request!
Contact: m.lassnig@pichlerluft.at

Heat pump combi unit PKOM4 in combination with energy management and renewable energies.
Ideally combined with renewables such as photovoltaics and an energy management system, the PKOM4 becomes an efficient, cost-effective system solution with which operating costs are reduced to a minimum, thus making it possible to implement a zero-energy building or even a "plus energy" building.
Webinar on request!
Contact: m.lassnig@pichlerluft.at